Thursday, 16 July 2009

Who is it?

Hmm...I didn't post any news of the new permanent author for quite some time huh?

And I'm going to tell you guys who is he now :)

But first,please scroll down super slowly,like a snail :) :)

More please :)

One hundred more meters to New Author of ChobotsTips.

Okay that's enough,and the new author is.....RECON14!

He is a very good friend,and I have added him very early,when I first started Chobots.He is the very first person I talk to when I get online,and sometimes I even tell him some secrets ;) Don't ask what they are :)

And his playercard:

Well,let's wish him good luck on this blog =D =D

Oh and one more thing,he also seems busy too :) And he needs a little training on blogging,just a little :)


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