Tuesday, 28 July 2009


This is a game my friend told me and I kinda get addicted :D Iz awesome :D
This game is about making 'brutes' to use it in battle..Its a flash game and the fights are automatic and you unlock different weapons and abilities

And as you can see in the 2nd Pic Im already lvl 10 :P and my username is ChaosInferno cause Recon14 was made but his record was nut as good as ChaosInferno

mybrute.com=Is the website you can register here or go down

http://chaosinferno.mybrute.com= Guyz if you go register to this site and I will be your master meaning, if you lvl up I can have extra exp :D Remember you can make your own pupils.

http://mybrute.com/team/98157=And this is another link in mybrute that u guyz can visit and register..if you register here, you would be in my clan meaning you can join my clan. Remember you could make your own clan.

And i wont say anythin else..you have to go to that site and explore yourself :D Any questions post comments or type in cbox.

Woah very long post :D


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