Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Protect yourself against ScAmMiNg

Hello everyone,
In these days,SCAMMING is becoming a serious problem,as they even removed trade and gift because of it.

And today,I am going to pass down some very important information.Please let other chobots know too ;)

First,examples of scamming.

First example: If you see someone saying "I can make you a citizen/agent/moderator!" Do NOT trust him and do NOT give out your password!

Example two : One day,a chobot told me: "Wow! Know what? I have 600 000 bugs! My friend knows a cheat! And I can tell it to you if you give me your pass!" Don't trust him still, and DON'T tell your password!!

Example three: If you see someone saying: "I can give you my member account on CP or smth but you have to give me your Chobots password!" STOP! DON'T do that! Don't give out your password!

What if you still get scammed? It's a pity but it's not the end of the world =D Everything is still under control.
If a scammer changes your password and you can't log on - don't worry! All you have to do is restore your password! It's simple :) Look:

Click restore,and you will see this:
Just type your email address you used during the registration and check your email.
After you get an email with your current password,you should change it. Log on into Chobots and click the 'Menu' button at upper right hand corner and choose 'Change your password' option:

You can then change it to something different =D
And you'll have your account back ;)
So if you follow these simple rules you'll be safe!

So,let us all work together,spread this simple message to keep scamming away!

(: Chobots! Chat'n'Play Everyday! :)


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