Monday, 1 June 2009


Here are the updates,some are citizens concern on though....

Now when you be citizen,you get an item and some bugs!
When citizenship ends, Chobots Team will send a mail to notify you.

You can't trade now :( And there's new Dance Constructor!

The new location is open,Rockemall Street!

More updates:
1:The park is a little updated....
2:When it is loading,the chobot is dressed
3:They will now confirm with you if you want to throw your clothes in the bin and tell you how much you will get
4:New items are in the shop
5:New items for pets are here!

Well,that's all for now!

P.S.I heard that Mezk and Go! quited...and more chobots quited too....I hope it isn't true!


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