Monday, 15 June 2009

Hey guys,
Remember the Cbox?Well,it is pretty good,as we can chat with our fans ;)

Unfortunately,I have caught two people,posting as me and Plutonio on the Cbox,and using bad words too.

Some people still don't know the rules,so let's go though it again.

(Updated since 15 June,2009)
1:DO NOT use bad words.
2:DO NOT post as someone else,only post as yourself.
3:DO NOT advertise
4:DO NOT spam

If you are caught doing the bad things above,
First offence:Have your IP Address banned from this Cbox for 6 weeks,from the time you did the bad thing.

Second offence:Have your IP Address banned from this Cbox for 3 months,from the time you did the bad thing.

Third offence:Have your IP Address banned from this Cbox FOREVER.

As you can see,the rules are extremely strict,but if you follow the rules,you will not be banned ;)

Authors names on Cbox:
1:Doraemon is ChobotsTips
2:Iqhnjkfh is iqhnjkfh
3:Plutonio is Plutonio

Also,if you see someone on Cbox with the names above doing bad things,it might not be us.Don't worry,I will delete posters messages and ban them ASAP.


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