Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Hello viewers,
Just to let you know, Chobots Tips does not forget about blog updates :)

Remember when Myelefan posted something on Wednesday,July 22 2009? You probably don't ;) Flashback:

And since only our very own author, recncommented an idea, we have choosen his =p It's excellent,check it out here!

2.Common Visitor

6.Distributor of ideas
7.Blazing Visitor
8.Newz Machine

9.Vital Follower
10.Iron Fan
11.Addicted Fan

12.General Fan Legend
(Really long list!)

And so,all this 12 names will be used on 8 August onwards, as I still need to do some stuff first :) We will have the more detailed FAN SUIT too!

P.S. Not much of comments lately, are there problems with it? If there are please tell us on the Cbox (Sidebar) or email me at If not,please comment,okay? =D


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